Monday, 9/23: Parent Night will be Monday, September 23 at 7pm. This is a laid back opportunity for parents (students get to stay home!) to connect with Accord teachers and learn about the school day. See you there! The Accord School calendar.
Friday, 9/27: 16+ Night (7-9pm) at Accord Center (please share this event with the older teens in your life!). No intake is required and it’s always a great time! Register… Watch our promo.
Wednesday, 10/2: 10:30am late start for students (professional development for staff)
Friday, 10/4: Fun and Active Night (5-7:30pm) for 4th-8th grade Register…
Tuesday, 10/8: Our own Katy Boucher presents: Friendship and Connection: A Program for Parents 6:30-8pm at Whitman-Hanson Regional High School. Learn more… Saturday, 10/19: Please join us for a joyful celebration in our gym as we bring our 10th Anniversary year to a close. See the invitation below or RSVP here!